Marlin informations

So what is that Marlin?

Marlin is an open source printer firmware developed by a 3D printer enthusiastic community.

What firmware does my printer use?

Anycubic Kossel comes with Marlin FW from factory.
Upgrading it to a newer and better version is a good and a costless upgrade.

Where can I find more information?

That is easy, visit official Marlin page:
Offical Marlin web
Marlin g-code web

Marlin guides

Another upgrades / replacement parts


  1. Hello all I am very new to 3D printing I have a Kossel Pully and I am running Marlin 2.0. I have everything calibrated and leveled and am ready to print something. I have downloaded the Owl Test print from Anycubic and have sliced it with Cura and have my G-Code file saved. This is where I dont know what to do from here I do not know what to do with the G-code file. Can someone please help me.

  2. Sheldon Williamsonl what a load bullshit shitting on a guy who has put his own time and learnings to good use assisting and I say assissting us in the learning stages of our journies. If this was an official marlin guide by Marlin, fair comment however, it is not and all non official infromation and guides are ALWAY at your own risk. Shame on you.

    Lukas, keep up the great guides. Not many people take the time to present their journey in such a well presented manner.

  3. Not going to lie I’ve never been so infuriated by firmware before. I spent several hours using this marlin had it all ready to go and went to print and realized I never fixed the extruder settings went back in to update that and not the whole thing wont work it wont compile or verify and now my computer is saying my com port is being blocked by printer. Now I’m dead in the water and have to start all from scratch and there is obviously no support through your page being I’ve left a comment with no response and now I’m left hanging so thanks a lot for making my printer a really nice paper weight.

    1. I am sorry to hear that.
      These problems are usually caused by running Cura/slicer and arduino IDE at the same time.
      You can also calibrate extruder without updating firmware, just read something about Marlin commands.

      Btw. do not blame other people for your own mistakes.
      Thousands of people use this FW without any issues.
      Being unable to compile is 100% caused by something in your PC.

      Plus one thing…
      This page was created in my free time, no one paid for it.
      Blaming someone for not responding to some comment that they have never seen (this is your first posted comment on this page, I cannot find any other) is not a very good thing.

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