Anycubic i3 Mega S Silicone Sock

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V5 hot end silicone sock is one of the best cheap upgrades you can do.
It insulates the hot end and nozzle from cool air coming from cooling duct and also protects the hot end from any melted plastic. 

1. Why should I do that?

There are basically two reasons to install a silicone sock on your hot end.

Temperature insulation:​

The biggest problem with cooling fans is that they are usually flowing cold air towards the hot end and nozzle.
This often causes problems such as “Thermal runaway”.


This is a V5 hot end without silicone sock after one month.
Melted plastic tends to stick to the hot end, especially PETG with it’s stringing tendencies.
It is better to use a silicone sock and keep everything without melted plastic and clean.

Please note that this picture was taken with a Kossel V5 Head, which is the same as in i3 Mega.

2. Order Silicone Sock

Please do not order any other type.
This silicone sock is plug and play, without any disassembling.
There are more silicone sock types for V5, but most of them require disassembling the hot end – removing thermistor and heating element.

3. Install Silicone Sock

Move the printing head top the top as much as you can.

Installing silicone sock is plug and play.
Simply put it on the hot end.

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