V6 Aerospace heat break


This is the newest and most hi-tech heat break from Mellow. It combines one of the best affordable materials - copper for it's high thermal conductivity and aerospace grade ceramics for thermal insulation between the heat block and heatsink.

1. Is it a good choice for my 3D printer?

Direct drive extruder:
Suitable for all standard filaments.

Bowden extruder:
Suitable for all standard filaments.

If you want to get the best heat brek on the market, get this one.
There is simply nothing better right now.

2. What is it made of?

This V6 heat break consists of 3 parts:
Upper part made of copper to make the cooling effective as possible.
Middle part made of aerospace ceramics for the best thermal insulation between the upper and lower part.
Lower part made of copper for the best heat transfer over the heat block.

Let's compare thermal conductivity:

Copper + aerospace material heat break:
Copper: 380 W/m*K
Ceramics (ZnO2): 2-5 W/m*K (W/m*K ZnO2)

Other heat break types:
Stainless steel: 16-24 W/m*K
Titanium alloy: 5-7 W/m*K

3. Cross-section

This is how a cross-section of a V6 hot end with a copper-aerospace material heatbreak looks like (without the heatsink).

4. Dimensions

The size of the heatbreak is almost the same as the size of the E3D V6 heatbreak.

5. Weight

As you can see in the comparison below, the weight is:
Commer + aerospace material heat break: 3.05 g
Standard all metal heat break:                     3.32 g
Titanium heat break:                                    1.85 g

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